Chris Froome’s Perfect (Social Media) Performance at Tour de France
Most avid cycling fans know that Great Britain’s Chris Froome of Team Sky won The Big Show at Le Tour last week. Froome put on a dominating performance on the road during the twenty three day cycling race, pharm and Froome also put on a dominating performance in another unexpected way: on his social media channels.
Froome ran a near perfect social media campaign during the Tour. He was active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat and posted daily to these channels during the Tour. What was the formula that made Froome successful from a social media standpoint?

Each channel had slightly different content.
Each social media channel Froome used featured something slightly different with images, video and content. The variation between channels encouraged fans to check daily each platform to discover the differences and experience Froome’s journey through the tour.
Photo and Video content was professional and personal.
There was a blend between professional imagery of Froome and off the cuff photos in Froome’s day-to-day life at the Tour. Chris Froome looks both incredibly professional and approachable with the variation between hard-core racing and the recovering, eating and media experience within the tour.
Tone and voice matching in every post.
Despite the difference in content across channels, each channel read the same in tone and voice. Froome kept the delivery consistent, delivering an authentic feeling in each post, regardless of the platform.
True representation of Froome.
Froome’s social media channels have a similar intonation, delivery and language. They are polite, professional and passionate.
Chris Froome put on a real show on the road and on the channels, and is an athlete who we will be watching in the future based on his social media performance this July.